TEN AMAZING and KILLER FACTS ABOUT DARK WEB Welcome to FACE THE TECH I think you might be very excited to know killer facts about dark web . what if you can enter it the dark web which is approximately *10 times larger than safe web click here to know how to enter Before that lets know the amazing,dangerous and killer facts about the dark web 1. IS IT SAFE OR SCAM As you all know Internet is a two edged knife. so dark web you can gain enormous and detailed knowledge of everything at one edge and addictive and bad information on other edge . SAFE CONTENT = 50% SCAM CONTENT = 50% 2. WHAT WE CAN FIND IN DARK WEB Everything! This sounds crazy but its the truth. KNOWLEDGE FORUMS FINANCIAL SERVICES HACKING DRUGS WEAPONS BIT COIN CHEAP PRODUCTS HIT MAN SERVICES 3. DO HACKING REALLY HAPPENS IN DARK WEB My Answer is a big YES It Really happens in ...
Cyber security and information technology security